The movie was constructed like a music album (you remember those, don’t you?). Characters would brew their scenes together (the mix), then later we arranged everything like tracks on a CD (the master), with the sanguine expectation that the theme of greed would thread everything together (hope hope).
Rehearsals were like playing jazz. Each actor would recognize, rehearse, then reshape their parts. This meant I had to customize each character to the actors who reshaped them (meaning rewrites and storyboards), but this is what my background in music taught me: Give the musicians time to find their riff, THEN push record.
Animation and music are pretty prevalent throughout the film. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did to create it. There was one time I almost went to the hospital because my sides were hurting so bad, only to realize it was from all the laughing on-set.
- Dakota Aesquivel, 2011 |